
Here are the simple steps to follow in order to upgrade php7.2, which has reached EOL, but there are many installations still using this version.

At the time of writing, php7.4 is getting only security support and will reach EOL on 2022-11-28. Consider switching to a 8.x version, if that's possi...

The problem with running commands over SSH is that generally you either have to type them yourself or upload a script file. However, with a bit of bash knowledge, you can pass entire scripts over SSH without having the .sh file on the remote machine.

First of all, install Docker on your system. Please refer to official docs

For Linux, add to your ~/.bash_aliases the flowing lines

# Docker setup
alias aws='docker run --rm -ti -v ~/.aws:/root...

I recently upgraded my Jenkins server, running Alpine Linux 13.x, in a VM

It's a straightforward process:

jenkins:~# apk update
jenkins:~# apk upgrade
jenkins:~# reboot

After the VM came back online, the surprise was having Jenkins refusing to start.

I checked the service and it said it's s...

Terraform 1.0 — now generally available — marks a major milestone for interoperability, ease of upgrades, and maintenance for your automation workflows.